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Monday, 30 April 2012


Check out Undieslad - is he SUPER or what???

Another small guy

Apparently, according to him, this "middle-aged exhibitionist would be ashamed if his friends and colleagues found out that he likes flashing his 4-inch dick."

Sunday, 29 April 2012

An undies update...

Nothing like a nice pair of underwear on show.

The see through panel is great and just check out what happens when those poppers are undone:

What a great pair to play about with!

Thanks so much for sending these pics in. If you fancy checking out Billymonk online, he can be found at Undiesclub.

Euro Show Off

I think this is a great strip sequence, what about you?

First post

Well who's first to kick off the blog then?

Well how about this guy? Nice, athletic but hides a secret....

He feels his small willy doesn't match his body type.

What do you think?
Do you like? Is it a problem? Would love to hear your feedback.