Current Challenge

Follow on Twitter too @guyswholiketo

Don't forget to enter the current challenge - all the details can be found in the sidebar below, just click on the picture.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Final post

Looks like we are saying a fond farewell to 2013 and couldn't let it go without sharing these pick of Jock Lover with you. Lets hope we can keep going for 2014 with plenty of hot horny guys showing off - old and new welcome...

Monday, 30 December 2013

Never Enough Nevada

When the pics are this good, I don't think we could Never have enough Nevada...

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Christmas Blues

Are you still feeling a bit let down after all the Christmas festivities? Well what better way to get over the Blues than with some Blue pics from In2yourbriefs! 

Friday, 27 December 2013

Another Christmas set

No challenge today, Christmas break but come back next week for the latest one.

Thanks to French Horny for sharing these festive pics today.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Boxing Day

A bit of a chill after the festivities of yesterday. Thanks to In2yourbriefs for sharing these pics. Looks like a happy Santa above!

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


Here are a couple of pics from Willnohio to celebrate today.


Monday, 23 December 2013

Festive Red

Red always seems so festive, and what better way of showing it off than a couple of pics from Bulgeboy.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Santa's Coming

It's almost time for that man in a red suit and a full sack to come sliding down our chimney. In the meantime, here' Mattman doing a very good impression...

Saturday, 21 December 2013


I wonder if In2yourbriefs' waistband is an invite???

Friday, 20 December 2013

Christmas Cheer Results

Feeling the Christmas spirit yet?
If not, here's hoping these Christmas Cheer challenge results help you...
Thanks all for your contributions for this challenge and all the others over the past year.

Twitter: @ashbilad

Alpha Angel
Twitter: @Richieboi50UK

Brief Strip

Twitter: @mattmansundies

Check Two
Twitter: @check_two


French Horny
Twitter: @usedundiesxxx

Bandit Bear
Twitter: @banditbear247

Fox Mullder
Twitter: @Fox_Mullder


In 2 Your Briefs
Twitter: @in2yourbriefs