Current Challenge

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Saturday, 22 September 2012

Check Two Teases Us

When sending pics in for the Tease Them Down challenge, Check Two took some extra's. Well, it'd be a shame not to share those with you too...

You can catch more of him by following him on Twitter 
and the blog is also on there too
So come and follow us.


  1. Fuck me you're hot

  2. I want to hang my undies on that cock too

  3. Wow he is one very sexy guy in and out of his jockstrap. Loving the furry arse, just so damn sexy.

  4. What a jock - I refer to both the undies and the guy

  5. Always good to see more of you

  6. Thanks for the feedback guys! love to show off and to hear what you guys think!


Please leave a comment and show your appreciation to the guys who have shown their pics. The guys have been very generous with their pictures, be generous with your time and take a few seconds to write to them...