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Saturday, 29 December 2012

Jake's Christmas Fun

Check out Jake hanging about his Christmas Tree...
Check him out on Twitter too @hardcocknow


  1. Hey Jake. Great cock. Love the way it grows. Can we see some more like that please :)

  2. Have to say Jake, you have some very nice baubles!

  3. It's the beautiful cock head that is all glistening that has so caught my eye here :).

  4. Thanks guys! You may get lucky with more pics... Host may just publish them ;-)

  5. Looking forward to that Jake. Have you got your own blog to delight us as well ?

  6. Nice bit of showing off there

  7. Very nice pics! Especially love that last one with the glistening head!

  8. wow very hot set of pics there ;-)


Please leave a comment and show your appreciation to the guys who have shown their pics. The guys have been very generous with their pictures, be generous with your time and take a few seconds to write to them...