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Sunday, 10 April 2016

Weekend Special

Did you like RatbuDspants pictures yesterday? Is that why you are back for more?

Remember if you would like to appear here too, all you need to do is send in pics with your name to


  1. Nice hard helmet you have there.

  2. That furry body is to die for.

  3. Such small pants to be hiding such a thick monster.

  4. I'd love to stroke that fur.

  5. I do like a guy who keeps his hair intact. Not a fan of the bald nether regions look. I like a nice bush like yours.

    1. Thanks, I've never been a fan of shaving. It's too time-consuming especially when there's so much to shave!! 😜

  6. You look wonderful. A real man's man: hairy and natural. I bet you are wonderful to cuddle and make love with.


Please leave a comment and show your appreciation to the guys who have shown their pics. The guys have been very generous with their pictures, be generous with your time and take a few seconds to write to them...