Current Challenge

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Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Mesh Week - Same briefs, different colour!

This week you may get a taste of Deja Vu as I will be sharing the same briefs but a different colour each day. I winder which will be your favourite colour?

Remember if you would like to appear here too, all you need to do is send in pics with your name to


  1. Those would brighten anyones day

  2. Jockstrap Afficinado30 August 2017 at 08:28

    Love how you tease and pull them down

  3. You are so close to dropping them in that last picture!!!

  4. Those really do look good against your dark hair

  5. micro aka shybutnotshy2 September 2017 at 16:46

    perfect for clubbing, with that colour and bulge they wouldn't miss you


Please leave a comment and show your appreciation to the guys who have shown their pics. The guys have been very generous with their pictures, be generous with your time and take a few seconds to write to them...