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Thursday, 17 May 2012

From Across The Pond...

A guy today from the States!
Check out these Evolve briefs of his. I had no idea they were made by 2xist for Target stores!

In this next pic, he lifts his shirt up so wecan better see his Champion boxer briefs. These are made of a thin synthetic fabric designed to move the sweat away from your skin during sports. They don't get damp and soggy like cotton. They do not, however, hide your junk very well. Who cares in the locker room, right?

Finally, these are from the Duluth Trading Company.


  1. Love how they cling to his arse in that last picture

  2. wow great set of pics ;-)

  3. Mmmmm, especially that last one

  4. very nice dude and a sexy show off

  5. Great pics, love those Champion trunks.

  6. Loving this set of pics... can't wait to see more

  7. He certainly likes white


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