Current Challenge

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Monday, 21 May 2012

Superman again

Don't forget, you still have a few days to get in your pics for the first challenge. 
Look HERE for all the details

It's nice to know what a guy has on under his jeans!

And Superman briefs are always a good sign

a fun, playful type of guy

both in and out of them!!!


  1. Love the briefs and the hairyness so much

  2. Am I the only one shouting DROP THEM when looking at that last picture?

  3. Looking almost as good as you do in yours Enthusiast.

  4. Thanks Billymonk for that compliment

  5. Yep, he is a Super man

  6. I like the reveal of the logo in the first pic. A bit when Superman reveals the chest under his shirt - BUT BETTER!

  7. I want to see what superman is hiding!

  8. DROP THEM! Let us see...


Please leave a comment and show your appreciation to the guys who have shown their pics. The guys have been very generous with their pictures, be generous with your time and take a few seconds to write to them...